Hello, since im bored i just though i would do this xD c:. (my mind: Is this the trend like the dab?) *Does the dab*
Before - I never really meet you until i started going around the fourms and saying hi c: After - You became one of my many friends who changed my life c:
Before - I never thought i would make it through my life to live to see you c: After - I just dont know what to say, you just made a huge difference in my life c:
Before - I never really knew who you was until you banned me on skywars, and I was scared of mods back then so yeah, dont ask xD After - It doesnt really feel like were friends, so i dont know what to put here
Before - Never really meet, i havent been on lately because ive been getting hurt After - Still we havent meet
Before - I didnt know how scared i was of you After - You help my friend @lightgx4764 stay on and im very happy because of that c:
Before - I was scared back then to go around the fourms, meeting new people so i didnt know much back then, then i created the thread about me quiting After - After you pmed me, my heads been up high and still is. Thanks for everything youve done to my life c:
Before - I was scared of mods, then when I was having troubles you offered to help me After - You were one of the many who helped me, and you were here on the fourms so i could pm you. You helped me a life load
Before - I never knew who were most people were till I did start going around the fourms a bit After - You helped me a bit and that still means alot to me. (Btw im not confused)