then: oml i didn't like u now: i love u then: never knew u back then now: u seem cool, it'd be nice to talk to you sometime then; no idea who you were now: you're very cool ;') klub booty then; never knew u now; still don't know u a lot I don't know you lol sorry :( then; I thought u were annoying now: you're still annoying but in a good way :* then; well u were nice to me at first, then the drama streak happened lol :t now; you're cool, and we should talk more then: when u first said hi i fell off a ravine bc i thought you were a hacker now: :') can't say what i would say here No idea who you are :( no idea who you are tbh then: thought you were cool, wanted to be friends now: you hate me, friendship failed. don't know u at all ;(