then: no idea who u were now: hmm ur ok then: damn i was jealous of you lololl now: ur cool then: i thought u were uncool and stupid ;') now: ur amazing then: DONT EVEN GET Me STARTED U POOP BAG OF DORITOS. i dID NOT LIKE U AT ALL LOL now: i would take a nerf gun bullet for u then: i did not like u now: ;') coolio then: "wtf who's this noob on here" now: <3333333 u
then: i had no idea who you were, but you seemed cool imo. now: i love u and we need to talk more. then: i honestly thought you were just anotha tryhard. now: i love u then: erm i was very scared of you and what you could do to me scared me a lot, and i didn't want anything to do with you now: i snapchat u every day and ur kinda one of my best friends now then: i guess you were cool, but we weren't good friends at all. now: ily but we need to talk more bc were kinda failing at that ;') then: "ew a sloth" now: i guess youre cool i dont know u at all sorry!!! D: