Okay, well, I know I don't know many people on here and I doubt you even know who I am, but, I'll try to give anyone who actually replies to this an honest answer. I am going to apologize beforehand because I am a very, very rude person at times and if I say something mean, well, you can't say I didn't warn you. I'll try to reply quickly, but I'm currently tired as f*ck.
You seem really nice, although I haven't seen you in-game, I don't believe ;^; Meh, we don't talk often, if at all really, and I never really see you on Infection much :( But you're p cool and nice too :p That's a nice face you commented. Plus, I have no idea who you are, sorry! HI I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN-GAME IN FOREVER I was wondering what happened to you!! ;-; But welcome back!!! :D Geez, time zones really don't like us. But overall I think you're an awesome person! Hola. You're a hella great Infection player and we should talk more :P