Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Cheez, Jul 19, 2014.
Lit the cat on fire, but the cat was Fro-zone so...
the pet ate the cat and the ice so
I welcomed a new born baby and
So the baby grew up to be a...
A fashion designer then
He designed clothes for the garbage cans which...
Got sold for a
Million dollars and the designer was so sad that it got sold that he...
he suicided because he was dumb and a person had a baby so
THe baby Cried and made clothes for himself so..
Then bunto came and shot everybody and made the planet his
Home forever, and never ever let any animals....
eat the grass or the become into bunto's
Slaves forever, but the only problem was that...
There was still one person left to stop him so then
They "re-populated" the world, but then all of the chickens in the world...
died and there was no chicken left and
It started raining ice cream, so...
everyone ate it and
Decided to build a spaceship big enough to fly to..