"How is our pregnant little daughter!" "Mom! How did you know!?" "I meant perfect." "wait.. WTF!?" #HexaPost
That isn't a pickup line…. None of yours are pickup lines…. Do you even know what a pickup line is...
I actually came up with a pick-up line of my own, originally! O_o "I'm looking backwards to our date." "Don't you mean forwards?" "No, backwards because we're done."
When you kiss someone for one minute you burn 1.2 calories. Wanna burn cals sometime?;) Are you trying to say im fat?
Are you a parking ticket, cuz you have FINE written all over you. If you were a triangle, you'd be an acute on. Leave your phone in your back pocket, because that booty is calling me Are you McDonalds, cuz I'm loving it (or because you are fat and greasy XD) looooool
This should be a boys one: Did you sit on a pile of sugar, because damn, that's a sweet . <.< >.> Girls, use this, or boys can too: I'm no photographer, although, I picture me and you together. :>
Why would I use any of these in real life? O_o lol Seriously though, I don't think I would want to ever use this in real life. Ever.