I don't know what first person shooter game to get on steam... Fallout 4, Call of duty, cs:go. It's to hard to decide!
Fallout 4 is sweet!!! I'm about 2 hours in and totally loving it! The map is so huge OMG! Fallout 4 and Battlefront are so far my favorite games of this year.
Its simple... you just play the game. Tbh if you would be able to see how much you have played minecraft you would see 500-1000hours.
I actually have the most amount of hours on Terraria, a total of 292 hours over the past 3 years... It's such a time waster... totally worth it though. I have 185 hours on minecraft...
That info has been released since it's been launched... Also, hype??? The game is has already been released. lel.
Thank you for the info captain obvious. This thread was posted the day after the release of the game.