Whenever I try and join a server on any of my accounts, I get the message 'failed to verify accounts!' I tried googling solutions and tried logging out of the launcher on all of the accounts then logging in again, and it did not work. Is anyone else experiencing any problems similiar to this? Or does anyone have anything else I could try as a solution? ~Thanks. *** All is good now, I guess it was a temporary error ^-^
I was able to play this morning (so about 8 hours ago) but upon restarting my session about half an hour ago I can't seem to get any accounts to work.
Mojang is having issues. For a bit, none of us have been able to join. I believe that they are working on it, because I can at least join.....for the moment anyway. :P
I can get on now, I guess it was just a temporary problem. Thanks for helping (I'm glad I didn't have to download a modpack lol ^-^)