Heres what you know: You don't know anything required to be a moderator. Just a text box and you have to type. You don't know if they ask why you want to be mod. You don't know anything. You DO know that you want to be moderator. Make the worst moderator application eva
can i have mod? im a rly good person matur frendly and gud at building my ign is XxXxXxXxXxXxXx____MlgMan____XxXxXxxXxxXXXXXXX pls acept i wont let u down
hi my ign is NoHacksJustWurst i wanna be a mod because i hack hackers and reorit rthem on my forums i got banned because wurst isnt allowed :c
i want to be a moderator im 6 yrs old plz accept me i spend lots of time on this ACCEPT ME OR IM TELLING MY PARENZed
yuuu gguuuuyyysss GIFE MIE MOD PLS BIECAS AI'M FERI EKSPEERIEENCED WITH RUINING THE SERVER ign = serverruiner give me mod now pls
pls make me mod im supr smart and wood lov to ban peeple so i cood laff at them in there faces i am amazing pls acept me my in game name is XxXxXxXxXx____________Me4Mod____________xXxXxXxXxX ps if u dont giv me mod i wil hak mineverse
irnedfmndesff I shoudlfl be modefjrenfe because fddfd if you dofrnygt let mreef I willlllll hakcwd u so haasasdasjais plz let me be mod ill get my big youtube channel to play its has 5 subscriberrrrs
Accept me!!! IAM a very mture plyer and my ign is XxXxNoticeMexXxX! I think I shuld bacom mod cuz I have been playig minevurs for 2 weks now and I rlly wnt to b a mod! plz accept my application!! P.S if u dont accept u is a bully
im hacker45 plz gimme mod becuz i am cool and i can tiy my shoes now promote me or i ddos the world and have a tantwum