Okay, so I am going to give my opinion on each of these individually. MobCoins: I think this is a great idea. It is an easier way for non-donors to get better items and for people to get something out of killing mobs. Koths: This could bring more people to factions. This actually seems like it would be pretty funny and the chance to win a rare/only attainable item by winning is actually pretty cool. Plenty of people would love this and want to participate in this. F warp: Remembering how it felt to only have one home, this would have been great. I would have been able to have a home elsewhere and have this set in my base. I think it would be a great idea and help many players. Spawners: Having multiple spawners available in the shop would be amazing. They would need to be very expensive so that it does not become too common. Also, about the cow and sheep spawner, that needs to be fixed too. Bulk sale: Please. Making money from mining or selling a large amount of stuff is very common in factions. I constantly see people standing there clicking the sign over and over again. Bulk sale would make it so much easier to sell things and get it done quickly. Balance: The cap at 2 mil was Cyp's way of fixing the money problem. It was never intended that people would have so much money right after it got released and he needed a way to make sure the economy of factions was not screwed. Yes, that sucks that it resets at 2 mil and I feel like it should just make you not be able to get any more money, but that is his solution. Hoppers: There probably is a way to fix it, and I hope they can fix it. Hoppers should be enabled, but honestly, stopping duping is probably more important. Spawn: Yes. Just yes. It is broken and it needs to be fixed. I know Cyp put the barrier blocks there for a reason. Hopefully some way around it can be found and they can be removed. The anvils also need to be added back. Hopefully they can be added and not break. Faction power: This would be good. There are small factions and having a decent base requires space. Getting many players that are active in your faction can be hard due to not many people playing factions anymore. An increase in power would be nice for multiple people. End: Cyp disabled this on purpose and I don't seem him enabling it again. From what I understood (I could be wrong) he did not want people making bases there. Part of factions is raiding and getting raided and he did not want people to be able to make a base and then get rid of the end portals and make it hard for people to find and raid bases. Mcmmo: I feel like the caps are there to try and make it more fair for everyone. I understand feeling like a cap on everything is ridiculous, but I can see why it is there. I am a bit neutral on this issue to be honest. All in all, I think they are all great ideas and you presented them very well. That is just my opinion on them. I support most of them and am really glad someone got all of these problems out on a single thread.