When you do /wild, on Factions, you are instantly teleported. Meanwhile there's a 5 second delay on all the other teleportation commands to prevent pvp logging. I've been pvping before, and my opponent teleported away instantly. My only guess is that they did '/wild'. My suggestion is to add a 5 second time period where you can't move to be teleported, upon /wild to prevent these sort of mishaps.
There's a delay that makes it so you can't repeatedly do /wild. But that's not what I'm talking about.
You should add that /wild should also have something that you cannot move before teleporting to prevent people from leaving while in combat.
I think Minevesre use CombatLog, instead of having a cooldown, just add it to commands you cannot do in combat. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/combatlog/
You can use any command while in combat. Teleportation commands just don't work unless you stay still for 5 seconds, which is what I'm suggesting we add to /wild.