:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p My IGN: Shadowman453 Offenders IGN: WarLordMiner ,Dibibdoomar I was playing factions invisible with strenght potion then i saw Dibibdoomar and warlord flying/gilding. From a tree to spawn and if he says his big brother is playing. Why does he have that on the computer? If it is his big brother why is he not uninstalling it. I was invisible when i was pvping near the end WARLORD MINER starts kiling me when im invisible then he automatically lock ons and off. THAT'S force field BTW when i get closer and farther!?!?!?? SO obvious he hacks! Mai god if have to be a but scrub to not see that. Heres the proof There are two parts check my channel to see it (part 8/9) <----part 8 Fly/glide (part 9 should be under the first video with him using force field) <-- part 9 DAT force field doe!!
Thank you for report. The players have been removed from the Factions lobby for hacking. Locking and Archiving.