I know factions has just been reset. The server hasn't even been up for 24 hours, and... https://gyazo.com/584195e508a89af3fcd4707c35f94fbe Someone got 600k? I started to invsee everyone on baltop, Diamonds. I suggest removing diamonds from shop and getting an anti-xray plugin. {There is already on in Spigot itself} Not accusing anyone, but it would help .
Need to add gunpowder and glistering melons to the shop too, it's impossible to make health pots rn without spending an hour killing creepers.
X Ray or no x Ray mod players can just use x Ray texture packs. I suggest using something like HCF servers which alert mods when players mine a suspicious amount of diamonds. Then the mods tp to them and follow them around to determine if they are x raying. This would only work if mods are constantly on factions that is
There has been an "anti-xray" type thing put in on the new factions to prevent these types of things. However, I do not agree with diamonds being removed from the shop.
I'm pretty sure they lowered the price of diamonds now. I agree with Elrak on the addition of gp and glistening melons.
I agree with the plugin, but Mineverse has a weak plugin and can be bypassed easily, the only way to stop those people is if staff members watch them. No support on removing diamonds in the