AYY We've had our ups and downs haha, but you're really fun to talk to and we should talk on TS later today : > Keep being you, you're an awesome person hmmmm aye Thooorrrr, we've known each other for a little while. I don't know if you remember this, but the first time we met we were in a bedwars game and you made a PARKOUR to the middle But since then we've been friends, even tho we haven't been talking much lately. Keep being you, even if that you is annoying sometimes Ayy, I THINK I know you from dubtrack? If not, sorry :' )) But we don't really talk, but I see you around forums and in-game a little bit and you seem like a cool person. If you ever wanna talk, feel free to PM me Please don't? Haha, but ayy you are a cool person to talk to and we should talk more on TS. If you see me on there join my channel or poke me : > Heyy Delta We've known each other for a little while, but we've never like personally spoke :') If you have skype or something, you should PM me But I sorta know you as a good builder, and a good friend :D But we should talk more :( No Torch we haven't met, I'm Exstatisfy how are you? Haha but nahh, ayy Torch :P We've known each other for awhile, and tbh I don't remember at all the first skype call I was in with you O_o If you remember, lemme know. But you're really fun to talk to on skype and TS haha. We should talk more though : > Ayy I still see you and think your old IGN but it's alright But we've never really completely personally spoke before, which sucks. If you use skype you can PM me and we can talk on there sometime :worm: But you're a really nice and cool person from what I've seen on forums and In-game. Keep being you <3 AYY Ben : > You're really fun to talk to over skype, and we should more : )) Lowkey, I stalk you sometimes in-game when I'm bored but haha it's all gooood. You're a really fun person to talk to, keep being who you are : ) Oh and also stop being baltop #2 On archer :< Hii, I've seen you a few times in-game and on forums, but I don't think we've personally spoke before If you ever want to talk, you can PM me whever :D But you seem like a really cool and nice person :P Hhaha ayy JHow, we've known each other for awhile and been in a few skype calls together which were really fun :p LOL Like that time we were causing chaos on that other server with all of the Spells hahaha, that was so much fun. But you're a really nice and fun person to hangout with, keep being you : )