"Everyone makes mistakes. That's what makes us human." I was raised on this saying during my short life. This saying was the stepping stone of my childhood. I knew from the beginning that mistakes would be made and consequences would be given. Everyone makes mistakes, it's what makes us human. If no one were to make mistakes, how would our society be? It would struggle and eventually fail. Mistakes are what improve the mind and shape the body. Mistakes are everyday life. I do not expect to be forgiven for my careless mistakes. "We are all mistaken sometimes; sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward." -Alison Croggon This quote explains the entire situation. Everything I did will haunt and stalk me for the rest of my Mineverse times. I should have been smarter with my decision, but I did what I strived to stop. "Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time." -George Bernard Shaw My inconsiderate decision should have never been made, but surely will never happen again, ever. Do not feel sorry for me. I shaped my own outcome.
Wow, I know that what you did is unacceptable and you were rightfully banned, but this post really shows maturity and I think that it takes a great person to admit his mistakes and realize that he brought his fate upon yourself instead of raging.
This is stupid that you go this far even after you got banned just to try and convince people you are sorry when you really aren't. I say he doesn't get guard back.
That is said that you think it is funny even when you go out of your way and explain how people make mistakes when you made one just to make it a big deal that you "care." Thank god that you got deranked you deserved it.
This isn't a ban appeal. It is no form of begging. He made this thread to say him, including people in general make mistakes. He is not asking for sympathy or your rudeness. Respect the fact he had the courage to write this thread, please.