Have you ever had those moment when (The things that have happened to me atleast) You're waking up and be like "i'll close my eyes for 5 mins and i'll feel better" Ima pretend i'm sick and start crying to get out of school On the way to school "did i forget something?" Check everything with your friends "did we have homework?" "What class is next" going to class "I'M SO TIRED" "Ohhhhh i know this one!" "i know it but im not gunna put my hand up cuz idc" "oh man i was totally wrong, i'm so glad i didn't put my hand up" "don't pick me, don't pick me!" "ahhh i'm so booooored" "ahh i'm so hungry" "ughhh i'm so thirsty" " OMG it's only 2nd period!" "When's brake..." "i need to peee" "15 more mins..BAHHH" "10 more mins -.-" "5 more mins" starts to pack away then the teacher says "Okie, write down this homework in your planner" Then you get your pen out and write as fast as you can but everyone is leave while ur 1/2 done you get out to buy something and there's a massive quie Glare at the people who have passes and thinks "TAKE ME WITH YOUUUU" Then you're almost able to buy something when you remembered u have to pee.. You chew on gum to not notice but it makes it worse You grab something and pay for it digging in the deepest parts of you bag for the extra 1p remembered you have it in your pocket opens the chocolate when... the bell rings Rushes to the toilet being as quiet as you can rush to the next period when your friends glare at you you then remember you were supposed to meet up with them to go do some homework "2 more lessons" "yes 2nd to last lesson" "i wonder what it will be today" "i wonder what will happen if i started striping on the table yelling "notice me sempie"" "OMG SQUIRREL!" "UGHHH i hate dance -.-" " WAIT THE ASSESSMENTS TODAY?" "I FORGOT EVERYTHING" "WE HAVE 1 PERSON MISSING" "DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS" mutters "stupid old hag, your really a witch aren't you.. making us dance like trees btw we can't" "it's over and whet completely... wrong" "CRAP MY CHOCOLATE MELTED IN MY BLAZER POCKET" " OMG IT'S LUNCH YEEEEEEEEE" goes to the other side of the school to meet with friends and go all the way back to the cafeteria waits in line looking at everything on the walls, posters etc Finally get there and you can't choose -3- Eats everything and then last period comes round "If i have fun it will go fast!" "THIS IS THE MOST BORING LESSON EVER" "i hope someone hits the teacher or something so there will be a massive drama scene to watch" "20 MINS OMGGG" it finally gets interesting and you're having fun with the work but then... RING RING RING, the bell goes. Drives home... akw as ever Get home change COMPUTER dinner chat about school clean this clean that animoo Bed time " -.- i can't go to sleep" "OMG IT'S FRIDAY I CAN STAY UP ALL NIGHT" "but it's so nice and cosy and cold and... and... just 5 mins... -U- ZZZZZZzzzzzZzzzzzzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZ
I can relate to everything except for "OMG SQUIRRELLLLLLL!" because I don't see any squirrels in Australia.
We cri Whenever the teacher says she's going to pick a random person to speak I just pray that I don't get chosen.
As soon as I see the teacher look around the room for someone to pick I just completely stop moving and stop breathing, and I never look them in the eyes.
There was this one time when the teacher was looking for someone and I jumped out of my chair and fast-walked to the tissue box to pretend blow my nose and I was so unaware that I was about to walk into the teacher.
I started with like 3 and then i just kept going and going and in a flash i finished... #LotsOfFreeTime
I can relate to almost all of that except for the friday all-nighter because I study on Saturdays. Feel the pain.