little abute me: Name: Lucas I'm 13 years old Played minecraft in 3 years How old are you? I'm 13 soon 14 Your in-game name: My in-game name is Nallen__00 What timezone are you in? I don't know What country do you live in I live in Sweden What languages do you speak? I speak like 100% Swedish and 60-70% English Why do you Think you should become a mod? I know all commands mods use but i don't know if it is the same on mineverse. I realy like to help other players. I allways report players if the do some thing wrong and don't respect the rules. when some on wants stuffs that i have i give it to them. I realy want to help staffs. What is your gender? Male How long can yoube Active on the server every day? Like 2-3 hours school Days 3-4 hours weekends How long have you been playing mineverse? I played a year ago but then i stoped but now i have started again but i know much more abute mineverse. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes i have, I have been moderator on like 5 servers and one of them i was admi a while so i know the most commads for ops and mods.Thanks for making a realy nice and awsome server
my top rating on this would %60 support really sorry just maby abit more detail nextime would be great