Welcome to Eclipse. Max Players: 13 Player Count: 1 Roster: Owner iDezired - Titan Co-Owner Moderators Members Clan Rules 1. No Betraying 2. Respect all members of the team 3. No hacking of any kind 4. Do not steal kills, loot or anything from other teammates. Becoming A Moderator To become a Moderator, you must be respected by most of the players, and you must be trusted by three of the past moderators, owner or member. If the owner does not trust you however, you might not be a moderator. Member Application: Before this, you are expected to be on with the team at least 3 hours every week. IGN: Age: Do you have skype? (need it, but soon i might change this) Donator Rank: (MVP, Elite, etc.) Maturity (1-10): Skill Level (1-15): Have you been banned on Mineverse? Why? What will you offer to the team? What would you like to be called? Why do you wanna join Eclipse? Good Luck!
IGN: Ruminisque. Age: 17. Do you have skype? Yes. Donator Rank: Sponsor. Maturity (1-10): 8. Skill Level (1-15): 9. Have you been banned on Mineverse? No. What will you offer to the team? Whatever I have. What would you like to be called? Ruminisque. Why do you wanna join Eclipse? Boredom.
@Swift Please close this. Hello, Please check out the DirectHit clan instead of this because TrulyDezired is my account. And of course, this account is closed.
Thread locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Staff