IGN : AxePickChainThe Age : 69 How long have I been playing OP PvP? : About 69 days Do I know you? : Yes How do I like to fight? : I like to kill them with diamond swords. What will I contribute to this community? : Only the most feared faction in all of MV. What challenges do I gave in PvP? : One of the biggest problems I face in PvP is when I have lost 3.9 hearts of health. How do I like my onions? : Erm I like them when they are round. Who would I recommend join us? : My brother, TheChainPickAxe. How active am I? : Hmm about 69kg. What position would I like to be in the group? : The guy who kills the baddies with the diamond sword. Why should I be considered a candidate for this group? : Because, I am OP with the way I use diamond sword to kill people.
In-Game name : Legoman12g Age : 15 How long have you been playing OP PvP : 4 minutes Do I know you? yea i hope so How do you like to fight? (Hills, water, with pots, without, etc.) : pots What will you contribute to this community? I will spread da word What challenges do you face in PvP? none I am best mineman pee vee pee How do YOU like your onions? roasted with pickles Who would you recommend to join us in creating an unstoppable force within Mineverse? cuz i wanna kill noobs How active are you? (Using normal units of measurement) : 10 centimeters What position would you like within the group? doesn't matter Why should you be considered as a candidate for joining this group? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^