I'm going to start using 'dubtrack' more often, and I'd like to have some more staff for my room for whenever people are using it. Use this template if you're interested in modding on my dubtrack: MC IGN: Dubtrack name: Experience with dubtrack: Why you want to mod on my room in particular: Link: https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/coastic *current staff: @thorraks @elephznt @Carolyn @PopperZ
MC IGN: Elephznt Dubtrack name: Cxtyyy Experience with dub track: I own the most popular room in this community Why you want to mod on my room in particular: Bc I love you to death and I won't f*ck it up bc you didn't **** my room up when I went too pee c;
hi MC IGN: PopperZ Dubtrack name: DJPopperZ Experience with dubtrack: i can play songs Why you want to mod on my room in particular: you told me to !!!!1!!111!
MC IGN: Recyclinq Dubtrack name: Recyclinq Experience with dubtrack: I used plugdj, good enough? Why you want to mod on my room in particular: So I can listen to music and help out I guess? (Not a troll application) Just didn't know what to really say... :P
Delta's Dubtrack Moderator Application MC IGN My Minecraft name is DeltaMC Dubtrack Name _DeltaWolf_ is my dubtrack room name. Experience With Dubtrack I have listened quite a lot to different songs back when the room belonged to Akril. I have used other websites simular towards dubtrack. Why Do You Want To Be A Mod I have many reasons why coastic, The first is I believe it would be a great oppertunity towards discovering new songs I enjoy and meeting new people. I would enjoy listening to new songs that are mature and I will do my best to alter the good-bad songs. I am good friends with you coastic and I hope you may trust me with this.
MC IGN: YRVintage Dubtrack name: DDG_Vintage Experience with dubtrack: I am Manager on @elephznt's dubtrack Why you want to mod on my room in particular: To moderate