I do feel a separate rule should be put in place, instead of just directing you to the current rule we have. Or perhaps put an example in of advertising Dubtrack in the current rule.
I definitely agree, it can be quite confusing how advertising something completely different from a Minecraft server can get you a ban
Okay I get this but why is it so strict? The most people that it will "draw away" is like 12. Really a month ban for something as petty as that? I think you guys should edit the rules because advertising a dubtrack doesn't cause that much harm. And don't say that "Rules are rules" when certain users can get away with breaking one rule on numerous occasions and instead are "warned" 5+ times. You all know Anna had no intention to cause any harm to the community. I really don't understand why the punishment is so severe.
If you have been warned before about something and you do it again, you will be fully punished for it. Like I said earlier, she was lucky to get the warning the first time.
She should have been banned on dt not on Mineverse. It doesn't state that she has punishment HERE! I understand that you said flaze gave her a warning, but still; she should be banned on dt. You should unban her because that rule was not stated clearly.
The forum rules state this: Advertising is posting links, IP’s, and whatnot to external websites/servers. Do you have a link you are unsure about? Ask a staff member. And the in-game rules state this: Do not advertise any external website or IP that could potentially draw users away from Mineverse. Reading both of those, how clearer can they be? We are not going to go through and name each and every link that is and is not allowed. It's just not possible. Things are ever changing in Mineverse, therefore so are the rules. The rules even state at the bottom: This thread is bound to change when further developments are to occur. Just a couple of months ago saying Minetime would have been punishable, but things have changed. Months ago before Mineverse had it's own Dubtrack, it was fine. Again, things have changed. Mineverse's Dubtrack is part of the Mineverse community. Anything that is advertised that would potentially take users/players away from any part of Mineverse is not allowed, period.
It says anything that would draw users away from Mineverse. The Mineverse Dubtrack is a part of Mineverse.
But doesn't Twitch draw users away from Mineverse as well? So you're saying advertising a Twitch channel in MV's dubtrack would be O.K but advertising your own dubtrack on forums is not? Advertising Twitch and DT are basically the same thing... Kind of contradictory isn't it @Dyna_Mighty ?
I'm not going to sit here and argue over the rules. They say what they say and we punish accordingly. Its not that hard. What's done is done. I'm finished with this thread.
But thats where you're wrong, you did not specify that advertising a DT counts as drawing users away from MV and twitch does not. You see the statement is kind of subjective so any link could potentially"Draw users away from MV"
Idc if I get banned because I'm sticking up for Val. But you guys need to make everything clearer. I'm trying to sound as respectful as possible. You guys really need give people fair chances. You're probably gonna give a lame excuse saying "I am giving everyone a fair chance!" But can't you guys just make it easier but simply changing part of the rules or telling whoever made them to? Like, I don't understand. If she has a link and she wants to post it, it doesn't mean it's gonna drag people out of MV.
I wish this would happen in all my appeals, the mods just dont even respond cuz they aint know what to say.