Hi, My name is Xx_DarkFairy_xX I love playing on mineverse, But Mineverse has been changing alot. We can't get pets on creative, we can't place Water or Lava, We can't use barriers, we cant use enchantments (that makes it hard to make a pool with no W/E to spawn in water or break the ice quickly using diamond pick with enchantments), AAANNDD the worst of all, WE CAN'T DROP ITEMS!! Rps and we need to give someone something and both players arent added, Guess that person will never get that item if we can drop items. We need to give someone something and you dont wanna hassle with adding them or placing a chest and putting the item in it, or putting a dropper down to drop the item, AAAND we cant use rails to make fun roller coasters, We cant use Dispensers, WE AREE BEING LIMITED TO WHAT WE CAN DO NOW! When i first started playing Mc, I was able to lots of stuff, NOW i am limited on what i can do! Atleast let us be able to drop items.... http://prnt.sc/deordz
You cannot use fishing rods, eye of enders, or ender pearls. Along with this you cannot drop items. Someone got a bunch of people on and everyone started throwing pearls and such and crashed creative.
Don't worry, the dropping items thing is only temporary I believe. For now, you're going to have to use trapped chests EDIT come to think of it, I don't think trapped chests work either, unless you trust them. idk though, haven't been on creative since forever EDIT EDIT I assume from the disagrees that this is perm, so say goodbye to creative guys.