Username: Wqlf_ Style: Anime or whatever is easier. Link to skin: I can wait
Username: AlexPaige (but prefferably just Alex) Style: I really like that chibi example!! Link to skin:
Username Bay_Leaf Style Chibi Link Uhh
Username : _DeltaWolf_ Style : like PandaBear__ Link to skin :
idk, until i fix my tablets sensitivity i cant do anytang. (bad things always happen to me, im the definition of unlucky ;p) Sry about all diz. ;-;
nether do i x3 just name it and ill "try". im only "okey" at top 1/2 of the body atm ;3 just like say where u want the person to be facing and if u want a hand in dere or what eva. ;-; dont expect anything good.
oh, that link is dead but here's the new weebly for my persona and heres a screenshot of the skin of my persona if u need it