Your client starts with a M. Also, don't be a douchebag to @ChloyyBear as he has a point. Stop lying. The one thing I HATE is liars.
A bit defensive, ehh? Lol, calling me a "10 year old with diabetes" is an amazing comeback. To clear things up, I am actually 18 and have perfect health. Also, I checked your channel, multiple times I came across you using the M**** client. How do I know this? Because I had to make a video of me using this client so mods could see some of the new features hack clients come with these days. Lastly, was it really necessary to say you have proof you hack and to ""? If you can't handle accusations or criticism, stay of these forums. :>
It will notify little skrub lords of a new thing on the internet that they will search how to install and go hacking all around the world with. I do not know the name of the client but just by looking at the armor status I can tell it's a hack. Normal armor status and the better pvp one are not that small and clean.