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    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Nightclaw12345, Dec 13, 2014.

    1. Nightclaw12345

      Nightclaw12345 Active Member

      Dec 13, 2014
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      Hello whoever is reading this!
      I have noticed that OP Prison is extremely popular. Most of the time when you try to join it will be full. I find that it is very frustrating that people, like me, donate a lot of money to make this server even better are stuck having to wait to join crowded servers. I real that if you donate $50, like me, or any amount of water you should be able to bypass the wait time to join. I have seen this on many servers where if you are a donor and you join it will kick a non donor and give the spot to the donor. Although it may be mean to the non donors it may give them another reason to donate. So all in all i believe that it would be a good idea to implement a plugin or something to make it fair to the donors, like me.

      Thanks for your time,

      PS. This link will take you to a website where you can download a plugin that would do what i am asking. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/xxmatthdxx/

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