Recently I've had trouble balancing Minecraft/mineverse with school. It's so hard to stop playing mv when so many things are happening online. All my friends msg me on skype or are in a call, I'm being added to a lot of chats, and people are asking me to get on for help. Another reason why it's hard to stop is because, let's be honest, no one really "loves" school and all the work. It's a combination of not wanting to do work (laziness) and wanting to chat with my friends. I could go on and on why it's hard to balance these two seemingly opposite things. If you have any suggestions or have this problem too that would be comforting lol.
Not me, tbh. It's somewhat easy to balance school with MV. Yes, you do miss out on MV from time to time, but you have to just live with it.
I think everyone has issues balancing necessary school/work and fun stuff. We as humans are drawn to the fun stuff naturally. Balancing does take some time to learn. Just think of it this way, (and yes my Mom will be coming out) unless you are totally awesome and cool like Pile & Myself and play Minecraft when you are an adult, school is your most important priority right now. It is very important to keep up with it and do well. Your future depends on it. Like others have mentioned, don't turn on your phone/Skype until your homework is complete. That is what I make my son do and it seems to work very well. He also completes his homework before anything else is done. That way, he gets it finished and has the rest of the afternoon & evening to do the fun stuff.
Balancing work and 'play'.... Well it feels better to do the work first, you know? It's way more satisfying and you can then put 100% into MV when you're done. Also, I sort of like school, I like all the tests when the annoying people in the class cant talk ;)
Somewhat. I recommend doing all of your schoolwork first and then play when you're finished. A balance between work and entertainment is needed. I know it's tempting to play when you still have things to do, but don't do it ;-;
I typically do my homework at school, or look up the answers, or just don't do it at all. I can't really concentrate on my homework because I would rather be doing something fun.
I have this problem too...especially since I found out that the Mineverse server is not blocked so I can play!