Ok, the first one is easiest. 1. Download optifine: First for to Optifine.net an go to download. Then go to he game verison you play on. Then click on mirror by the download. Then you will see ads around Optifne. Click on it and it will download. Then drag it to your desktop and double click on it. It will say agree to stuff. Just agree to everything. Then get those files and search in your search bad %appdata% then push enter and go to .minecraft then versions. Drag optifine into that fine then exit and open minecraft. Then go to edit profile and go change ur minecraft version to optifine. Then save profile, AND PLAY :D. 2. JVM. Go on your my computer or my mc where it shows a picture of a computer. Right click that and it will show properties on the bottom. Click that then it will show ram in G. Then go to minecraft and go to edit profile and go down to JVM. Put a check on it. Then you can type on it. I will Say -Xmn1G and a bunch of other stuff. Instead of 1 put half of what your ram is. The third way is optional but, only some people can do it. Only people with a 64 bit I am not sure but I am just saying people with that. Go to control panel and go to java click on it. Then on the top of it will will say java. Click on it then go down to view and click on it. This video with show you the rest sorry its hard to explain. Thanks for reading hope this helped you..