What language? Also, it will be even more fun when you make a plugin and put it on something like SpigotMC and make loads of money
How do you expect cyp lives in an upper London apartment, with a pc that can run anything, and the ability to do this full time?
Currently we are using java ;p. I am making a server aswell @Elliot and Mjack is a dev/owner there aswell. If you are interested in becoming a dev with the other 2 people on my team that are devs, please feel free to PM me ;).
Of course the owners make a lot of money every year. But honestly, money isn't everything. It's the fact that people are enjoying this server and having fun.
After looking at the recent donations for each server, and I'm unsure how long ago these donations were, all recent donations that I could see, added up equaled upto and above $450 ish. Mineverse happened to be the server that I could see was pulling in the most money, but as I stated that's all I could see.
@Zulfqar. Oops i see what i did. >. < They would make about 500k in a ear but the total they have made is in the millions.