Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by HeyItsAlan, Aug 17, 2015.
Kings ^
4 people just got banned for what? Posting on a thread...
"He banned me glaad and ninja for "targeting mods"" ~djryan
That's dumb....
Holy hell, they got banned too?
Why did pvpkings get banned?
he was banned for being a fajit.
Glaad, ninja, djryan, kings & GuyLover all got banned.
I'm surprised you're not banned for targeting him yet.
what do you mean, xxpvpkingsxx isn't a mod.
I saw everything.
Dj, Glaad, Jarroy, and ninja got banned by cyp.
rip so many good members banned
Why'd they all get banned anyway...
Cypriot got mad, and just banned them.
i really think you're stupid.
Fun fact https://gyazo.com/e12d47dabb58abcc92d34e410699505d @Ares_Xena this isnt true, don't assume.