Before I begin, I would like to add that this thread is solely for discussion. If you would like to discuss anything with me or any other player that comments here, please do so. So I would like to start by talking about the "choose 2 servers" policy. Now many players have stated (Pile) that this is a bad idea. In my opinion, it has its pros and cons. For example, it helps to direct a moderators attention to a limited amount of servers so that more work can be done for those specific servers. Although this is a very impactful perk, there is also a cons side of things... Now thanks to this decision, some servers are left literally helpless. I am aware that there is at least one moderator for each of the servers, but one is no where near enough. I suggest players are given the option to apply for global moderator still, as long as they responsibly choose. For example, don't just say that you like to moderate and expect to be an instant global mod. You have to have reasons to back this up i.e. extra free time, very responsible, etc. So now that I have discussed this topic to my greatest content, I would like to move on. The next matter that I would like to discuss is reporting. I don't know about you, but lately I have seen an excessive amount of players saying things like,"OMG He hacks!!" or,"Wow, nice hacks." What I want to see is,"Recorded," or,"Reported." Lately, not enough players have been reporting. I wouldn't know entirely since I don't have access to all reports, but I'm trusting my instinct here. I would love to see more players reporting. I mean, you could give the mods a break... and that brings me to the next topic. If you are one of the many people who has been criticizing, bullying, or telling the mods that they are bad at their jobs, please calm down. I would like to inform you all that moderating is not easy. Many players will never understand the amount of work that mods do for our server. Combine reports, ban appeals, in-game helping, forum helping, etc. This is just part of the work that moderators do (almost) everyday. They work very hard and if you are thinking about telling them off, then I want to remind you to think before you post. The internet is not a fragile community, but the people who use it are. This is most of the issues I was itching to discuss. If you have anything else you would like to bring up, please comment below. If you want to discuss anything with me, comment below. Have a good day -Savvy
Well, the "choose 2 servers" were chosen by Crew and/or Cyp. If that's the way they want it, then let them keep it. I know well that MV needs more moderators, but that is up to Cypriot.
I agree with the global mods part. One of the most active mods I see everyday is Alexa and she only has access to Infection and Skywars! Maybe, just maybe could Cyp take deep consideration on making mods Global when they are active lot.
1. I think current Moderators (2 server mods) that have been doing "a spot on job", have shown they can take the responsibility, very active, knowledgeable, etc, should be promoted to global mods. 2. Really nothing you can do about reporting. Besides encouraging people to download a recording software and record the hackers. 3. The mods will always be bashed for what they do. There will always be someone who thinks they are doing are bad job. Back in February, I was one of those people, but then I noticed just how well the mods are doing their job, and I shouldn't bash them for doing the best they can. Mods can't do everything, they're not perfect, they can't catch all the hackers. And some people expect them to do "almost" everything, to be perfect, to catch all the hackers. So when that doesn't happen, those people will bash the mods. Being bashed is to be expected, and the mods know that. They know the people will always be watching them, looking for mistakes, which puts a lot of pressure on the mods. Yet, they still do a very good job. The bashers just need to remember that the Moderators are humans too.
Some moderators I just despise that they only like the player for no reason just because they're "Well-known" doesn't mean they're going to get Moderator :/ I feel like the moderators that cyp promoted has promoted the well-known people which I'm not happy of :/ A player may not be well-known and still be a good moderator
Yeah, like him. Then even worse maybe a moderator gets demoted then everyone sobs, then he/she applies again and everyone supports just because they are friends with her/him. I honestly find that pathetic. If they get demoted, she/he deserves it.
That's not always true. Take @PandaBear__ for example(I couldn't help myself). She's well know BECAUSE she was such a good moderators, one of the best ever. People support her because she was active both in-game and on forums. I, for one, love her, but that's not why I support her 100%. It's because she's ready to take on the position and deserves it.
Her fault for being demoted. She deserves it, k? It's not only her but maybe some other people.. I for one do not "Hate" her I'm like her as a friend but not just a moderator
I agree with this, although in the past I have seen someone apply and get a lot of no supports and a few supports and then be promoted. And then suddenly everyone loves them...and then they get demoted. A few months later, they'll reapply and suddenly it's double the support and no non-supporters. That's just the way it works. I have nothing against any of the mods, I just don't think that all of them were great choices. Most of them are amazing though
Pfft, back in June-July the server just, like BOOMED. Now? Compared to our last staff team and community? I just despise it. Some of it, not all of it
I will never dispise this server or anyone in it, but I do agree that the previous staff team was incredible. I don't think we're ever going to get them back, though. So this is why I suggest more mods and more global mods. In my opinion, the server ran much smoother when we had moderators able to help people on every server. Last night I posted a report and I got two replies from mods. They both said the same thing; I'm not a KitPvP mod. I have nothing against either of them, but it's really sad that nobody could help me.
I don't think the staff can handle 2000 people, that's why there is a easy solution to PROMOTE PEOPLE. There are many great applicants I like and other likes that just look obvious they can get moderator, it's pathetic that the team doesn't make an effort to actually read it :/
Hi everyone. Cyp won't just 'promote people'. I've spent way too much time on this server tbh, observing things that a normal person wouldn't. You're talking about reporting people, but realistically, people are hungry to get something out of helping. What I've realised over the past week is that: Others hate on people who report others. Cyp doesn't notice those who do indeed report others, so clearly that isn't a factor in his decision for promoting. A player who reports people doesn't really get anything out of it. Now, before you reply to this saying "blah blah someone shouldn't get any of this for reporting people, they get the benefit of helping the server!" - lolno. I highly doubt that many people would donate if they weren't getting any perks/ranks from it, so why report if you don't get anything for it? Onto your other topic - Global moderators. Now, I'm looking at this from my view and I believe that certain people would be able to take this on. I, personally believe that I could but the actual likeliness of getting recognised and Cyp seeing that I am capable of doing this is very unlikely. I'm not here to brag, but I've reported some... 92 people banned for all different reasons(mostly hacking, but also swearing, spamming, advertising, ddos threats, disrespect) and all for what? Yeah, I enjoy seeing people saying to me "Good job Gizz! Keep it up!", but the reality is that I am getting more hate(by the people who I've got banned and their friends) then I am getting well... Friendliness. I will admit though that perhaps a FEW, 2-5 of these reports may of been incorrect, and I apologise to those who have been affected by this. I would like to throw out there that I report based on what I see in some 40 videos, not because I personally dislike someone. Any who, 92 bans is more then the amount of bans most mods have done on their own. As for staff disrespect, I don't know who you're kidding. Mods are very rarely on. In the past 3 days I have been sick, home from school and I'll admit I've seen a fair few mods on the forums, but as for in game(when I have been on), I have seen... Alexa. Only Alexa(from memory). Will Cyp fix this? Most likely not until more complaints are brought forward. Why won't Cyp fix this? I believe it is simply because he has to look after other servers as well as MV, and he'd rather look after then MV. I don't mean this rudely, but in all fairness, it's true. Stay safe kiddies, ~Gizz.
I agree, however, if they got demoted, they might have a chance for moderator again, depending of course what brought them down from moderator. As a global moderator?
I completely agree with all of this. Many people do help solely for a the benefit, and the few people who actually help for the server are never noticed. I realize that Cyp has other servers to take care of, but honestly I think MineVerse needs him the most right now. Staff are rarely seen, few people still report hackers, and majority of the servers are 100% helpless. I haven't seen a single mod in-game in the past 3 days. I love the staff team as friends, but being active as staff seems to be a problem for them.
I agree Because you should be known if you report people often. I think your chances have to increase when you apply for mod than. Of course you have to be active and all the other things have to be okay to. I agree with you I think you need to start off with 2 servers. And if you are active, good than you should be able to become a global mod. It should be a rank that you can achieve if you are active enough.
You say that the mods are not active, that must be to do with your time-zone? I see moderators online everyday.