Recently I've been thinking... What is a game everyone would LOVE, and could have a lot of people involved? So I remembered a game called "Destroy a Wish". The game is pretty simple, you just say your wish, then the next person will destroy it, and say their wish as well. Here's an example. Starting Wish: I wish I was a dog Person 1: You become a dog, for 1 hour, then die in fire. I wish I had a cat. Person 2: You have a cat, then it runs away. I wish I was rich. So on and so forth Shall we start? Starting Wish: I wish I was a Unicorn.
Then your girlfriend holds a gun to you and tells you to not break up with her. I wish I had a better mic.
You got a squirrel, but it was cooked by your neighbors alongside rice and vegetables. I wish for a lego.
You wished for a Lego, but then got reminded yourself that you have a computer and can do everything on there.
You find 555 big venomous spiders in your house. I wish to not hurt my leg further than I have already. ;-;
You are given pain reliever then your leg is chopped off and put into a refrigerator so it can never be hurt again. I wish I had a girlfriend.