Heres what I have now A job A Nephew So I been thinking, I might step down from mineverse and minecraft forever. Post what you think. Your opinion matters. Yours sincerely, SatisfactionSCSI.
It is completely up to you whether you quit or not. It is not up to us to decide. Do what you feel is right.
To ''step down'' is a little bit over-dramatic. A real-life job is always more important than a video game. However I don't see why you have to immediately quit. You can log on once in a while. However if your decision is influenced by other events, and these (recent) events have encouraged you to create this thread where you ask our opinion....then sure. I don't really see how a nephew (who I assume was just born) would make you quit a video game.. Then again I have no perspective of your living situation. So that isn't for me to say, just point out. If you ''quit'', people might automatically assume to never see you again, which you indicate in this thread. Instead you could simply explain that you will no longer be online as frequent as you have in the past due to some changes in your personal life. That is my opinion. Do with it as you wish.
Although like Ares said your a job is more important then a video game it is always good to have a hobby. Having something you can do in your spare time is something that will stop your boredom. This is still your full decision.
Take Pile as an example, she works have child to care and many other things... Still she still manage to be the forums admin on here and she is doing a great job. In the end is up to you, you just need to order your schechdule, take your time. Good luck in life.
If you want to stay, then stay, but don't forget that a video game is less important then real life :/
if you cannot manage time at all, or if you feel like you are going to get distracted from your job because of MC, then I suggest taking a break, or leaving. I really don't want you to, so I suggest this Make a schedule or timetable. I'm 12, but I get busy af with chores, school homework, etc. So I made myself a timetable to organize everything, and it worked out really well. I know school and chores are different from a legit job, but it can still work out, if you can actually stick to something. Reduce your time on MC, or games in general. That way, you still can enjoy playing MV, but you will still have time with your nephew, or you can go to your job and then hop on Mineverse afterwards. Quit MC online, but stay on the forums. If you hardly ever do go on in-game, then it's probably just better if you quit in general, but stay on the forums so you still know whats up. Please don't leave me ;(