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  • Prison Death Wish: player Introductory[Banned] [Clx]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by RocketMiner50, Jul 10, 2016.

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    1. RocketMiner50

      RocketMiner50 Active Member

      May 21, 2016
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      Hello I would like to report Introductory because he has said a death wish in chat witch I did not apeciate and he was verry rude so I decided to report him, he was in this prison server doing so.

      http://puu.sh/pXgFn/82028a76d6.jpg here is the death wish from Itroductory it is a proof.

      thanks for reading this demand
      -RocketMiner50 is my in game name

      the players in game name is Introductory

      he has broke the rule of threats/ death wishes by saying in chat "go kill yourself"

      here is the rule: Threats/Death Wishes
      Do not threaten any user of Mineverse. Death, SWAT, hostage, etc threats are looked down upon and will be punished. Phrases such as "kys" will also be punished with seriousness. Making up random acronyms to avoid punishment will not help you.

      In-game: Threats of any kind will result in a 31 day ban from the gamemode.
      Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
    2. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
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