Shems and ShemsJr ddos threat Me and They called me a ****er and I got upset and I did this "Stop being a _***** I'm very sorry I'm Sad. I am Sorry Owners. I Will never make the mistake again
Hello, @Magnolias_ Do you have screenshots of them saying this? if so report it here.
How does this include the owners being involved? If you think Shems and ShemsJr are the owners they aren't.
Usually when a newer player plays mineverse and they are having problems they go right to the top point of staff.
Don't discriminate players with their age, tho new players do that not young ones. Also having proof of the threat can be reported at the reports section but if nothing more this thread has no reason to be created.
If you want to make a report on a player you can make it here: Closing.