I think that Cypriot should be more active on the forums. He tells his moderators to be active, but he never is. I have a ban appeal waiting for him, and i have waited 2 weeks now, and he hasn't responded. Really, cypriot almost never gets on, and I think that he should be on more. I also think the only reason he is famous is because he never gets on. He never has time to look at ban appeals of people he has banned, as if he doesn't want to give them a second chance, or doesn't even care about them. Cypriot should be more active!
Yes. Great suggestion. Suggestions cannot be based around a certain person becoming more active. It's just not quite that simple. He is a grown adult. He has other things to be doing. He shouldn't have to dedicate 100% of his time into the server. He does enough here. Why is this a suggestion?
Honestly, if you think he's lacking in interaction just go on teamspeak regularly. He's on there a lot.
He's probably just too busy or whatever. Plus the amount of people that try to talk to him would be overwhelming.
Well, you have to take into consideration this: He is 19, he has a life He has college soon He runs not only Mineverse, but Skyblock, and soon Minetime (hopefully) You think he bases his life around Minecraft and the forums?
I agree with Tad ;) Cyp is a very busy young man. He most likely has another job and he is about to go to college (or in college.) Its our job to invite players openly to our community.