Thank you m8.I think i'm responsible enough for the mod rank/role and i'm communicating with other players in the server ;) You can see in-game what im talking about.
I know of my grammar mistakes and im trying to fixing them.I dont speak fluently english ;p But the only think for no support its my spelling mistakes? :P
Hey there! Your application is okay. You have a few grammatical errors in what not. I do understand you are greek though. I dont like that you tagged a bunch of people at the end though. Thats like asking for people to view your application. Plus you rated fishlips post a disagree when you clearly asked for constructive criticism. Anyways I am neutral so good luck.
Yes i will change that because i will add more information about me ;) Btw thank you very much for what you say ;) I will try to fix my grammatical errors.Also i will check that with fishlips ;p
I just check the fishlips comment..I rated his post with a disagree because he said "you KINDA act a bit fake but that's just your personality.".I'm not acting fake :3 Anyway that was the reason why i rated with a disagree ;3