This is mostly meant for the staff team but what's the current status with infection? It's currently dead and I haven't seen anyone on it in eons. There are so many good threads that would help improve/bring it back but none of them have been implemented. Is Crew just too busy with other things or is infection just a dead project/gamemode that won't receive any more updates in awhile? Not a rant I just want to hear what people think about the current Infection Status.
I see what you are sayin'. Infection was a legendary gamemode and definitely one of the unique ones. There needs to be a revival or update of some sort. On the other hand...fair gameplay. Like not targeting (like kids target players who kill them) or teaming kind of thing. Spoiler: Why? If you disagree with this, then the only reason you disagree with the teaming between humans an zombies is because you take advantage of it.