Tin, you're the most active guard at the moment, kindliness, friendliest and the most caring guard I've ever met on any server, I'm just going to say this straight. Get Head-Guard now. Mod tag Cyp. EDIT: Go for Warden, not Head-Guard, that position is Kato's currently.
SUPPORT we need active head-mod are you are the most active on prison and you are doing a really good job Good luck!
No offence, but your guard app's "Why I think I should become a mod" was one sentence. Anyways, I support. You are active on prison and we could use an active head-guard. The only thing the worries me is the incident with zombie's autofish and you teleporting yourself and others to his base.
Okay, -Love the font! -Been a very good staff member so far -Just maybe a bit more detail in Why do you think you should become a Head-guard Other than that, Good app, Good luck, Support
Support. -Minor mistakes shown here http://gyazo.com/b1f074b15f869108d0fe8cbb90c78092 Just change the spelling of Expirience into Experience