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  • Creative

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by TorThor, Nov 3, 2014.

    1. TorThor

      TorThor Active Member

      Sep 24, 2014
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      Hi everyone today I will be talking about Creative issues. The things I have noticed in Creative is that dispensers are disabled. That made me really mad because I had spent a whole lot of time making a firework display. Second of all with droppers. People can look into your droppers which made me very mad again. I had a head shop when you press a button a head falls out from a dropper and of course people stole from them and I had to put them back until I finally realized that people could look into my droppers.


      Another thing which is really glitchy and I am soooooooooooooo mad about this one. A part of my plot duplicated and now it's overlapping someone elses plot and the road. I had sooooo many valuables which is in the duplicated part and now I can't open them. Tpa to me to see I'm on right now. IM SOOOOOOO ************************* MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MANY VALUABLE STUFF IN THERE ****!!!!!!!! DO SOMETHING MINEVERSE!!!!!! Sorry just had to let it out.

      I made a thread on discussions too.
      Here's proof for the glitch on Creative:

      Attached Files:

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