I doubt anyone will actually try that, but if that happens once that player leaves their plot the machine will stop working. And redstone causes minimal lag unless you look at it. Lag is caused by updates, and if you dont look at the redstone it wont update (especially light levels). Redstone lag is very isolated, it will most likely only lag people close by. Quote: "Redstone - It's a fact of Minecraft due to the block updates and calculating game ticks, however this is not the huge lag inducer people think it is. (I will elaborate more on this in a moment)" "Well first off why are your circuits lagging? Now here a lot of people will say "Oh, it's because redstone just makes the game laggy etc..etc.." While this can sometimes be the case the true culprit of most redstone lag comes not from the redstone, but from block light level updates."
Full Support Redstone is a Huge part of many builds, so much so, that there are even books solely about redstone and it's many uses. It's basically a necessity for any good creative server. (It may just be me, but the absence of redstone hasn't had much of an impact on the lag. Also, I still sometimes see complaints about lag in the chat... not just my own :p) ... If redstone being disabled helps find the main source of lag though, I can't complain... It'd just be nice to know if it's only temporary... or if it's permanent ; - ;
Please refer to the below. Thanks And I do agree that the server is still very laggy. Redstone only causes lag with updates (especially light updates) and these happen when you look at it