I came on today, and realized redstone doesn't work. I know some people misuse it, but we should keep redstone because although it causes lag, it is the second biggest reason people play on creative (besides building). If we decide to keep redstone disabled then we will lose many creative players and lose one of the largest aspects of creative mode. I know that many people feel the same way, some peoples plots revolve around redstone. It does cause lag, but it is redstone that is misused that causes lag. We need to instead of take away redstone, enforce the rule about no lag machines. Removing redstone isn't a good move; there has to be a better way to reduce lag other than taking away redstone from everybody.
I would like to emphasize, redstone DOES NOT cause lag (or very little, most if it is in the spawn chunks). I could go on for ages, but in short, redstone lag is mainly caused by light updates and is client sided. Just dont look at it and you won't lag.
I remember banning a kid who had a field of Pistons, that crashed and lagged the crap out of Creative.
Piston lag is caused by light and block updates. Light updates is minor client sided. Block updates are a little more serious, but they are mainly one use (need regular set-up), eg: sugar cane
Look buddy. From previous experiences of actually crashing the creative server and everyone on it (yes i did that a lot), I think I would know if redstone machines can crash the server.