As some may or may not know, a long time ago, creative had /plotme biome as a command. This command let you pick any biome in the game from the overworld, nether, or end and make that the biome of your plot. I never fully understood why this command was removed because it was extremely useful for building if you wanted a different grass or leaf color, not to mention if you used bonemeal on the ground in a swamp or flower forest, you would get different kinds of flowers. This command doesn't cause any lag to my knowledge other than maybe a 100th of a second when the biome changes on your plot but that is it if that is even a thing. Again I would love to see this command readded to creative because of the usefulness of it and I think that is a reasonable request because the command doesn't have any apparent downsides to it. Anyways tell me your views on the matter below and thanks! -Halex