ok so i went away from key bored at my friends place idk if it was his plot but he gave me this book that is so stupid i can't believe it so when i got back it said you have died so i pressed respawn and the book is the problem every time i press respawn i die right away this is just so stupid so i can't go on creative any more because of this stupid book i have tryed dropping it i have been on skyward then did /creative then tried to quickly do /ci but guess what i don't do any thing but keep dieing and that really sucks because i love mine verse creative and all i can do now is just keep dieting at spawn and nothing else so please a mod or noobcrew plz /ci swatchmen on creative so i can play with my friends and not just keep dieting at spawn I'm think my friend feels really bad that he has done this but any ways plz /ci swatchmen so i can play on creative and with my friends thx u for helping mods and noobcrew
This evil book has been going around lately... Anyways try some of the following: 1. Just get lightning fingers and hit Q the second you log in. 2. Try using a macro mod and bind /clear to a button. The second you log on, slap that button Anyways, the only other way to fix this would be to have a staff clear your inventory.
Please inform me if you cannot perform the actions Blueberry has suggested. I will get a Moderator's attention if needed.
try this. Install minechat on your Iphone/andriod Then log in on mineverse, then /clearinventory or /clear