idk what section really to put this on so don't give me hate for putting it on off topic, I've been wanting to make a new infection map for mine verse a few weels ago but whenever I try to do any /plotme commands it says I don't own any islands or something like that. When I try to create a new island it says I used my limit (5 plots). Idk why it's been doing this but it probalky because I had those 5 islands with a diffrent username and I think the fact that I changed it got the system all screwed up. If that is the problem can somebody please make it so I have my plots again or something like that because I've been really excited to create a new infection map but this is in the way... :L
I'm pretty sure I know the reason to this but, maybe not so let's ask questions. Have you changed your name in the past? Does your plot sign have your previous name, or your new and/or current name? Please answer these questions and I'll absolutely know if these questions replies are "yes". This also should be in the section "Help".
Email [email protected] and tell them what your problem is. They should be able to transfer your old plots to your new name.
Do what Herf told you to do. There is one problem, Cyp is busy with Minetime, so it may take longer for their response. I have the same problem and I'm still waiting