I agree, ive been to creative before and WOW they talk about so much crap :s:s Have u sent this so the mods? or noobcrew or cypriotperks?
I do believe this problem should be adressed as well. I think the number of people allowed into Creative should be cut in half, only allowing 100 people in at a time. Many words need to be blocked like the words sex and stripper. My brother learned what strippers were from Creative and he was absolutely horrified and too young to be discovering these types of things. Support.
I got banned from the forum for 'unjust' comments by Yin for: Reading the entire thread, rating each comment like/dislike as I went along reading. 'Like-ing' the comments in support of the rules and decorum ...there's no reason for obscene chat especially in a child friendly game like Minecraft. And, 'dis-like-ing' the comments that purported lascivious, obscene text in chat was harmless...even a part of childhood. The only rule that I could find that was even remotely close was 'rate-farming'. A method of 'bumping' comments and/or threads. I don't know where the first moderator came up with the accusation of 'unjust'. What are the ratings there for? Then PandaBear_ chimed in, I imagine in support of Yin, to say I've received an infraction without any explaination of which rule was broken. So I'm led to believe that rating of comments are not covered by the first amendment!? Why do they appear, at least while I'm reading each comment, to entice me to 'rate', like, or dislike allowed comments! My comments within the thread weren't removed! And Yin specifically stated my ratings were 'unjust'.
i agree they need way more mods on creative and when the game is about to crash people go crazy. also they should change the world edit and make the max blocks more than 400 maybe like atleast 800. they need way more mods on all of the servers but the most out of is creative the only mod i see on creative is Yinmc and he can't even go to people's plots or tp which is a problem.
i agree. but i think cypt and crew should give monds /v so that way mods can go on creative then /v so that way they can monitor chat more easyer
i just want to say one thing that creative should never be lowered to 100 that would ruin creative and make it impossible for anybody to get in at crowded times. but they should make it so your can't say sex or any other words that kids shouldn't know. also they should make it so you can't say lag anymore. and also bring back /invsee
Yeah, now that I think of it, 100 people isn't a lot. But yeah, I liked the command /invsee but now it's gone ;^; I hope they fix all of those things, and maybe at least lower the amount just a tad bit.
I AGREE! People spam to advertise In-Game "CLUBS" and In the real world! I's starting to get crazy and we need some MODS out there!! Mineverse needs to be a SAFE place to be both on the forums and In-Game!
xD should be more like bump, If u overuse it, it gets less funny. Aside of that: I agree. But having more mods on is not that effective. Atleast get an anti-spam plugin.