It's really to easy for kids to chat/seem like 'kids that wanna act like adults' and that's what draws the(adult) predators to theses servers, let alone the kids/trolls that only wish to be perceived as adults'. The old story kids wanna grow up quicker to be able to do adult things. The tragedy follows when adults(predators) act on that. It is really out of control on gaming servers.... and when the hammer falls.... will the games survive?
i agree! people are always doing this! i tell them "this isn't datingcraft its minecraft!" OR i say "kids play this too!" but they never listen! and advertisiing a serious problem on it. people are always spamming, swearing, or spamming something like exclaimation marks that make my eyes hurt.... A LOT!! it happened and i quit right away... random girl: hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! other guy: hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it hurt my eyes that i literally stopped playing minecraft for 4 weeks.... i was so mad... and you forgot something btw... people saying "lag" this is one of the WORST PROBLEMS EVER. (i was there too and i experienced it when it happened) EVERYONE was saying "lag" and creative crashed for FIVE HOURS. everyone got bored so we went on skywars this is how it went: someone: lag someone else: lag and it went on and ON, and i died (i didn't actually die) sorry for panicking like a weirdo
how? most of the time when mods come on, people DON'T advertise sex clubs BUT when they're NOT online, they advertise it and it fills up the chat ;-;
guyz i seriously had ENOUGH of hearing about sex !! i know a 6 year old who goes ont his server and goes on creative. soon when she learns to read, shes going to find out how stupid some people who advertise sex are -_- sorry for doing 3 replies instead of 1...
Wow. Um. One small word of advice, taken directly from the lyrics of such a meaningful song by John Lennon 'Let it be, let it be, whisper words of wisdom, let it be' If they want to do what they want, let them. Keep it to creative, and make sure it doesn't spread anywhere else, like Factions A or B, Prison A or B, Infection, Survival, or anywhere else. Keep it there, because every other server such as Nexus and Hive would have this problem. Just my two cents worth, but maybe take something in, and stop being so '40's right wing Christian' The mean MC MC_Whispers
Funny you say that, as theirs been people who have met on games and gotten married, just because it's a game doesn't mean feelings don't start. Most of the players are 13 and just want a gf for bragging rights, despite half the 'girls' on this game being male.