So there was this hacked book going around in creative saying "CLICK HERE"..... DON'T CLICK THE BOOK! Chances are that it might be a hacked book that was modified by a hacker to /plot clear your plot. Sadly my plot was deleted due to this problem... R.I.P Desert Operations plot that took about 1 year to make </3 Is there any way to bring plots back? ;-; Just asking Two of the players hanging out the hacked book. DO NOT TAKE THE BOOK!
Right.... 3rd screenshot shows the hacked-client metro, with over 100 different pvp hax... I don't know but this is an unauthorized mod here, should be punished... Back to your issue Knightdoesminecraft, there are many, called god-items, stuff which are bad to use. Obviously they arent hacked, they are created with WorldEdit which you can get if you voted.