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  • Creative and Minigames Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by #1Chocolover, Dec 22, 2015.

    1. #1Chocolover

      #1Chocolover Active Member

      Oct 2, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Before I start the template questions,I have made terrible mistakes in the past.And please do know that I have learnt from them. So many Caps and Spam warnings.Swearing. Now, I have grown to understand that Games with Rules are for our own good.I do hope that you forgive me for my Mess-ups. I really do appreciate if this situation does not entirely affect my chances of being a Mod.Even if I did make mistakes, I am willing to make other players Avoid those mistakes. I use to Slack around. If I ever become mod, I will change. I promise.

      I am 11-years-old. I'm turning 12 on the 5th of July.


      Hong Kong Time Zone

      China, Hong Kong (Originally in Colombia,Now living in HK)

      Fluent in English and Spanish. Know a little of Chinese but English is my Main.

      Yes I do indeed. This is the second time I've reported someone from what I remember. Hypercam 4/Bandicam
      Screenshots with F2 or Snipping tool.

      I believe I should become a mod, Stating a Variety of reasons, Because I can be Mature when needed. Though I have been immature I have passed from that life and have become a better person on my opinion.
      I can warn other players of Swearing,Sexual Chat,Discomforting, Minecraft Sexual Clubs and more. I am truly disgusted of these situations. In order to keep Children happy and innocent. I am willing to take this job. I honestly believe those who break rules should learn. I won't ban them for small reasons. I will mute them for small reasons. And Ban them for Big reasons like those I stated just now. Spamming the chat is a Small Reason So I will only warn them but not mute them. I can decide what they deserve but yet not to be harsh on them because this is Minecraft. Not a game for punishing others.

      Helping new players is what I do. If they need something and I have it or know it. I will stop my work and help them as you see in Real life I am certainly a Helpful Person.When it comes to that, I am patient. I have thick skin. Meaning, I do not take insults seriously if I become Mod. I took them seriously as I was aware when I was immature.Yes I have made several mistake but I assure you they won't happen again.As from this paragraph, you can see I am very friendly. I hate to have enemies but if I have to, I will. As I know this World is not as fair as people understand it.Yes, you can check my old chat, Full of swearing and such But, Maybe I can Kid around with my friends but I would never Swear at them or Rudely insult them in Private and or Public chat.

      I won't be on EVERYDAY though When I am free, this is the first server I'll come to. I'm on holidays right now so.Everyday. But on normal occasions like School, Friday to Sunday Or even After I go home Ill play a little.

      I am not entirely sure. It has been Months. I do not know how to check, I've tried commands but they don''t work.

      No, I have never been banned. Though I hope I never will be. I do believe those banned once, must of done something horribly bad.And those people who didn't learn do not deserve to be Mod. Yet again, I hope to not sound too hard. Instead of Focusing TOO MUCH on the rules. I also need to have a little fun. But Of course, Controlling others bad behavior at the same time is recommended and necessary.

      None. But I do hope that I can change this to Yes. I am not expecting Thousands of yes or no. But I do hope people think I am worthy of being a moderator as much as they believe I can handle harsh situations.To those people finished reading. You may know me and remember those silly or Terrible mistakes I've made, If I become mod. I promise you I will change. Especially those who secretey dislike me, Before you try to press no, Please do understand I want to end this hatred between us. I believe everyone should be treated equally even if the matter is enemies.
    2. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      - Havn't seen you in game
      - Havn't seen you on the forums
      -Your application is very brief, Try adding more to the why you should become a moderator section

      *Edit* Also note that all moderators are now global not server specific so I would advise removing the creative and mini games bit from the title or many MANY more people will post this

      Good luck
      Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
    3. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      ^ what he said
    4. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support
      • Please use the correct format (include the question you are answering)
      • You can only be a moderator globally
      • Please add time, not just a phrase saying "I will be on"
      • Add more detail
      • Get more experience on the commands
      • Please be more active on both, Forums and in game
      • The last sentences make no sense, "Hatred""promise to change"= haven't changed, but EVANTUALLY will?
      • Why is your forum age say gender of a Girl, but your age is 11. Please match it, this can't be a mistake (probably)
      • Please be Mature at all times, not only mature when needed
      • You can't ban, mute, kick, war, etc. Based off of what you think should happen, all Rules already have a consenquences, the rules can be found on the Forums for in game and forums
    5. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

      1. That sentence makes no sense. 2. Your saying he cannot be a girl and 11.
    6. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
      Likes Received:
      More specifics:
      Add more detail on the Application.Forum profile* says your 15. (Autocorrect). On this thread it says 11. You can't be two ages at once.
    7. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

      mk, i will say no more
    8. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No Support.
      1. All Mod Apps Are Global
      2. There Are No Minigame Mods
      3. Your In-Active
      4. Get More Expirenced
      Good Luck ;)

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