I've seen his code and can confirm that it's terrible. terribly adequate. * Note from moderator: Please don't double post, use the edit button - Matt
Was just a skript i made for fun xD, I do private commissions via other platforms like MCM really. Usually do more C++ and PHP than what I did back then. EDIT: Swear it is like a year old anyway xD Back then, skript was decent, until idiots decided to develop add-ons for it and f*ck it up.
Owner:me Co-Owner: @CypriotMerks Manager: @Blueman05 Mods: @laithothebeast @Linux @Disrespection @Synyster Gates @Kyra @Tigerz @Bexrs If I forgot anyone my bad :P
Heres my staff team :P Staff List: Owner: Cartilage Co-Owner: NoobCrew Administrator: Clxrity Head-Developer: pinkcamel Head-Developers: XxLoneWolf53Xx HDZacko Head Builder: Rythen Builders: Auzziii, TADS4, Brezerk, and Robisgreat10 Head-Mods/Staff Managers: CypriotMerkz, and TigerzFTW Moderators: Foils Remierik Veracity_ tin15cro Wbc_PvP123 MR_B3N_123 Musezeta Janice999 Dyna_Mighty Tehdy
• 1 Owner: Me 1 Co-Owner: Samuelgamer • 1 Administrator: Pile • 1 Head-Developer: Cypriot 2 Developers: Me x2 • 1 Head-Builer: Me 4 Builders: Me x4 • 2 Head-Mods / Staff Managers: Me x2 10 Moderators: Me x10 cause everyone is fake af and doesn't keep it real.
Owner @Delta (_DeltaWolf_) Co-owner @Noobcrew Admin @Pile (Pile_of_Butts) Head Dev @CypriotMerks Developers @Zulfqar @Business Kitty Head Builder @Rythen Builders @Dewbious @Nubxy @Dewster @Imperial_Mint Staff Managers @Auzzi (Auzziii) @Bananurz Moderators @Dyna_Mighty @Janice999 @WhyteDuck @FearTheKlowns @Alex (iAlexandra) @AmazingFireGirl @Jhow (JhowTheSloth) @Elliot (ElliotPoots) @Stacker7 @Linux
Code: command /F*ckUptheChatCommand: description: How to stop the bullsh*t thats being said in the chat usage: /stop permission: .op.op trigger: loop 200 times: broadcast "&4&l&n&oRIP!!!!!!!" broadcast "&c&l&n&oSHIT, &c&l%player% &c&ljust F*CKED UP THE F*CKING CHAT, GG."