yolo Age: 16 In Game Name: Teeeb Maturity (1-10): 5 Do you have Skype: N/A Timezone: Eastern Standard Time or UTC-05:00 Rank: Titan How long have you played on Mineverse? Since October 2013 How active are you? 5 + hours a day Skill Level (1-10): 9 Why would you like to join Z F? i don't have a current clan and i'm good at pvp bc everyone thinks im hacking
1v1 me legit when I get back? considering apart from them 2 videos my computer has been clean since resetting it.
I assume it's "Zero ****s" this is already a clan name used by popular youtubers/twitch streamers like SovietWomble and CyanidePlaysGames, so I suggest you change the clan name to something less used.